Monday 20 September 2010

lesson 2

Today we have learned a little bit more about film genres. We talked about who liked wich films and about howcome some people like a one genre more then an other. There is a lot more to tell about genres than I thought before. I never knew we had something like a cross-over genre wich is a genre that can appear in different forms of media, or something like a sub-genre, ionography, a subvert...
The word 'genre' comes from the French language wich means 'type'. So the genre of the film explains what sort of type the film is and if it's romantic, scary, adventurous...

We watched the trailers of three completly different films so we could compare and discuss about what genre these films could have.
This was one of them 'the social network' :

According to our class the genre of this film is probably drama. although we were quite sure about the genre of this film, we just could not agree on which age group would be best for this film. Some said that the film was made for everyone no matter how old you are, where you live and no matter what sex you are. Others said that the film was only made for younger people because it is about facebook and other social networks on the internet. We had to finish our lesson with this discussion topic because we just could not agree for which age this film was made.
This discussion also thaught us that some films heve a completely different genre to some than to others. Film sometimes depends on the opinion of the person you are talking to. You never know who is right.

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